In [1]:
%matplotlib inline
from common import *
datadir = os.path.join("//media", "disk", "Data")
#datadir = os.path.join("..", "..", "..", "..", "..", "Data")
import open_cp.logger
In [2]:
south_side, points = load_data(datadir)
In [3]:
masked_grid = grid_for_south_side()
masked_grid2 = grid_for_south_side(xsize=100, ysize=100)
We fit the model with the default grid size (250m) and a smaller grid (100m).
In [4]:
import open_cp.seppexp as sepp
In [5]:
trainer = sepp.SEPPTrainer(masked_grid.region(), grid_size=masked_grid.xsize) = points
predictor = trainer.train(iterations=100, use_corrected=True)
In [19]:
trainer2 = sepp.SEPPTrainer(masked_grid2.region(), grid_size=masked_grid2.xsize) = points
predictor2 = trainer2.train(iterations=100, use_corrected=False)
In [20]:
background = predictor.background_prediction()
background2 = predictor2.background_prediction()
In [21]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(ncols=2, figsize=(16,8))
for a in ax:
a.add_patch(descartes.PolygonPatch(south_side, fc="none", ec="Black"))
mappable = ax[0].pcolormesh(*background.mesh_data(), background.intensity_matrix * 10000, cmap=yellow_to_red)
ax[0].set_title("Grid size of 250m")
cbar = fig.colorbar(mappable, ax=ax[0])
cbar.set_label("Rate $10^{-4}$")
mappable = ax[1].pcolormesh(*background2.mesh_data(), background2.intensity_matrix * 10000, cmap=yellow_to_red)
ax[1].set_title("Grid size of 100m")
cbar = fig.colorbar(mappable, ax=ax[1])
cbar.set_label("Rate $10^{-4}$")
In [22]:
print("Predicted omega={}, omega^-1={}, theta={}x10^-4".format(,
1/, predictor.theta*10000))
print("Predicted omega={}, omega^-1={}, theta={}x10^-4".format(,
1/, predictor2.theta*10000))
We recall that the "aftershock kernel" has the form
$$ \theta \omega e^{-\omega \Delta t} $$where $\Delta t$ is the time gap.
In summary, the model predicts rather large aftershocks which are rather tightly localised in time. This seems unrealistic.
For the grid size of 100m, the situation if anything gets worse, as the decay of exponential increases.
In [11]:
def points_in(region):
mask = (points.xcoords >= region.xmin) & (points.xcoords < region.xmax)
mask &= (points.ycoords >= region.ymin) & (points.ycoords < region.ymax)
return points[mask]
by_grid = {}
for x in range(masked_grid.xextent):
for y in range(masked_grid.yextent):
if masked_grid.is_valid(x, y):
by_grid[(x,y)] = points_in(masked_grid.bounding_box_of_cell(x, y))
In [12]:
size_lookup = { key : tp.number_data_points for key, tp in by_grid.items() }
size_lookup = list(size_lookup.items())
size_lookup.sort(key = lambda p : p[1])
In [13]:
distances = {}
for key, tp in by_grid.items():
cell = masked_grid.bounding_box_of_cell(*key)
midx, midy = (cell.xmin + cell.xmax)/2, (cell.ymin + cell.ymax)/2
distances[key] = np.sqrt((tp.xcoords - midx)**2 + (tp.ycoords - midy)**2)
In the following plot, for the 5 grid cells with the highest crime count, we plot the occurance of events
In [14]:
start = points.time_range[0]
end = points.time_range[1]
length = (end - start) / np.timedelta64(1,"m")
fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=5, figsize=(18,8))
for i, ax in enumerate(axes):
key = size_lookup[-1-i][0]
ts = (by_grid[key].timestamps - start) / np.timedelta64(1,"m")
ax.scatter(ts, distances[key])
ax.set(xlabel="minutes", ylabel="distance")
ax.set(title="For grid cell {}".format(key))
For the cell with the most data, we apply the following procedure:
Conclusion: Little visually to say that we don't just have a Poisson process!
In [15]:
key = size_lookup[-1][0]
ts = by_grid[key].timestamps
ts = (np.asarray(ts) - start) / np.timedelta64(1,"m")
rate = len(ts) / length
def comp(t):
return rate * t
In [16]:
def qq_data(a, b, ax):
a, b = np.array(a), np.array(b)
ax.scatter(a, b)
def qq_exponential(a, ax, **kwargs):
a = np.array(a)
b = []
for i, x in enumerate(a):
p = i / len(a)
b.append( -np.log(1-p) )
ax.scatter(a, b, **kwargs)
ax.set(xlabel="data", ylabel="theory")
def correlate(a, ax, **kwargs):
# To uniform dist
u = 1 - np.exp(-a)
ax.scatter(u[:-1], u[1:], **kwargs)
diffs = comp(ts)
diffs = diffs[1:] - diffs[:-1]
def do_test_plots(diffs, alpha=1):
expected = np.random.exponential(size=len(diffs))
fig, axes = plt.subplots(ncols=2, nrows=2, figsize=(12, 12))
ax = axes[0][0]
qq_exponential(diffs, ax, alpha=alpha)
ax.plot([0,5], [0,5], color="red")
ax.set(title="Q-Q plot against exponential")
ax = axes[0][1]
correlate(diffs, ax, alpha=alpha)
ax = axes[1][0]
qq_exponential(expected, ax, color="green", alpha=alpha)
ax.plot([0,5], [0,5], color="red")
ax.set(title="Sample of exponential data")
ax = axes[1][1]
correlate(expected, ax, color="green", alpha=alpha)
For each cell, do the same, combine, and plot.
In [17]:
diffs = []
for key, tp in by_grid.items():
ts = tp.timestamps
if len(ts) < 10:
ts = (np.asarray(ts) - start) / np.timedelta64(1,"m")
rate = len(ts) / length
ts *= rate
d = ts[1:] - ts[:-1]
diffs = np.asarray(diffs)
do_test_plots(diffs, alpha=0.2)
In [18]:
In [ ]: